What are the worst things to wear to the airport?

Most frequent flyers are always trying to refine their ensembles for the airports. They are looking for the perfect outfit that says chic and comfy as nothing else does. And, while they have travelled enough to know what works and doesn’t work as an airport outfit, they can still use some advice. So, to help Delhi Airport Departures who have to travel long distances, here is a list of things to avoid wearing to the airport premises. Have a look!

Things you should avoid wearing to the airport

  1. Maxi Dresses:

If you do not want to get patted at the security line, then avoid wearing maxi dresses, skirts, and other loose-fitting clothes to the facility. Since these outfits are not skin-hugging, they leave a lot of space for hiding stuff. Because of this reason, the security personnel has no option other than to pat you. To avoid this, you should instead opt for loose-fitting pants or leggings.

  1. Bobby Pins:

Delhi Airport Departures are advised against wearing too many bobby pins as they are likely to set off the metal detector. It will hold the security line and cause trouble. So, if you want to keep your hair in place, a better alternative is to wear a simple hair tie or soft headband.

  1. Cargo Pants:

Do not wear your cargo pants to the airport premises. When you are told by the officer to empty your pockets, there is always a lighter or set of keys you will forget to take out. It will set off the alarm, and the several pockets will become a hassle. So, instead of wearing something with many pockets to the facility, opt for shorts, jeans, or pants with minimal pockets.

  1. Metal bracelets:

Large metal bracelets or necklaces are likely to set off the metal detectors. Because of this, the security line will be held, which will cause delay for you and other flyers. In this case, the biggest problems are those bracelets and necklaces that require a screwdriver to open. Since they become an issue when going through security, it is recommended to put them off until you have cleared the security check.

  1. Shoes with straps:

At the airport security check, you will be asked to remove your footwear. Wearing shoes with multiple straps, buckles, or ties will likely slow you down. Thus, it is advised to opt for slip-on styles to avoid the hassle. For this purpose, wearing Toms or Vans is an excellent choice. They are available in a variety of colours and designs.

To travel conveniently and hassle-free, it is necessary to dress right. Sacrificing your comfort for looks can ruin your journey. Thus, when getting ready to fly, opt for outfits that are both comfy and chic!

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